Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today marks the first movie review from Beary Informative, thanks to Bennett!!

According to Bennett, "The Age of Vampires has arrived. None more dominant than the Twilight series . For those of you who’ve never read the books , fret not because the movie is equally satisfying. For casual movie-goers, it might seem like a lame sappy love story, but dig deeper and you’ll discover the uniqueness of the characters and the realism of it all thanks to the excellent cast. The chemistry between the leads; Bella and Edward is surreal.  Watch out too for the sequel “New Moon” out later this month .  (Grade: B+)"

Nevertheless, i personally perfer action-packed or comedy romance genre of movies. So, twilight isn't really my cup of coffee!

1 comment:

Lingzie said...

oh i definitely liked the book so much better than the movie!! i think the movie made the romance really cheesy but its not in the book.
hopefully New Moon fares better :P